Williams F1 Struggles Continue: Team Boss James Vowles Outlines Challenges and Future Plans Amid Poor Season Start

June 4th, 2024, 7:00 AM

After eight races, Williams team boss James Vowles finds himself with a mere two World Championship points, courtesy of a less than thrilling Monaco Grand Prix. This performance places the Grove-based team in eighth position in the championship – a consolation prize, considering the circumstances of tail-enders Alpine and Sauber. Vowles is far from satisfied and acknowledges that Williams has a long road ahead.

Vowles, who joined from Mercedes in 2023 to turn things around for the customer team, expressed his dissatisfaction ahead of the Canadian Grand Prix. Williams struggled with the weight of the car in 2024, and multiple crashes involving both Albon and Sargeant forced the team to make costly decisions. This has led Vowles to critically assess the team’s performance.

James Vowles: “There’s no part of this business I can be satisfied with”

“There’s not a single part of this business I can be satisfied with,” says a stern James Vowles. “We’re nowhere near the level of a championship-worthy team. That might be a harsh statement, but unfortunately, it’s the truth. There’s so much that needs to happen and so much that needs to change before we’re on the right track.” Vowles has the ambition to win Grands Prix with Williams someday, but for now, that dream seems far off.

Weight plays a key role

However, Vowles still believes that Williams can compete for victories in the future. He recently signed driver Alexander Albon for another two years. With the British-Thai driver, he hopes to make a difference in the long term. “We’ll get there,” he continued. “The weight [of the car] is a pain point right now, but it’s not the only thing we need to tackle.”

Vowles, like many other team bosses, pins his hopes on 2026, when the regulations will be overhauled again. “In ’26, the weight of the car will hopefully be on par,” concluded the 44-year-old team boss. “As it stands now, [a light car] can yield quite a lot of profit. The minimum weight requirements are so low – I don’t think anyone can achieve that.”

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